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AVODAH - The Jewish Service Corps

AVODAH: The Jewish Service Corps strengthens the Jewish community's fight against the causes and effects of poverty in the United States. We do this by engaging participants in service and community building that inspire them to become lifelong leaders for social change whose work for justice is rooted in and nourished by Jewish values.


Emily was a corps member in 2008-09 where she was the first corps member placed at Gay Men's Health Crisis. While there she facilitated political education workshops to engage HIV+ New Yorkers. Emily has stayed active in the AVODAH alumni community by speaking at fundraisers and board meetings in addition to facilitating workshops for the incoming cohorts of both the service corps and the newly launched AVODAH fellowship program

Undoing Racism Internship Project

The Undoing Racism Internship Project (URIP) aims to collectively unite the NY-based Schools of Social Work to organize for a stronger anti-racist, anti-oppressive lens in social work curriculum. Rooted in student led activism, URIP grew out of student interest in institutionalizing anti-racist social work practice at their respective schools of social work. URIP is a very proud project of the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond (PISAB) and the New York City Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW-NYC).


Emily completed her second year Social Work field placement at the Undoing Racism Internship Project and has been a proud Steering Committee Member since 2011. She currently serves as one of three Field Instructors for the 2014-15 intern cohort where she provides strategic guidance and supervision. As a member of the Steering Committe Emily also co-facilitates workshops for social work students, fundraises for the project, builds partnerships and hosts events. 

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